Thoughts from various friends

Created by Sarahburke 7 years ago
' many years ago I played football with Rich and a member of the opposition referred to him as the superman of our team due to his physical prowess , but to me he was far more than just physically superior , he was a super man in every sense ' - Sean Poulier - good friend and fellow Liverpool supporter .

' since I met Richard on the MBA course he provided me with advice on many varied subjects . These included where to buy a house in London , how to propose marriage to my future wife , not to hang around too long for children , and where to buy the best cycling equipment ... I can still recall when each conversation took place and in which pub .. when I look back I was clearly receiving device from an older brother ...a role in which he had plenty of experience ... for this encouragement I will always be grateful . It was a privilege to have known Richard and to be one of his friends ' - James Cooper - good friend and fellow MBA student

' Richard was a remarkable man . His approach to the most difficult of times was one of dignity and calm and quiet courage , the likes of which I have very rarely seen '
Ros - palliative care nurse

' I heard a quote recently attributed to James Joyce ' absence is the highest form of presence ' - Richard will never be far from your thoughts and a constant presence
...Mark Dale (Hull university friend )

' I will miss you more than you will ever know but your soul and enthusiasm for life will stay with us . ' Steve Dalton good friend - MBA course

'Richard , will always be remembered for just being .... himself ' - Sean Macdonald - work colleague